Monday, May 10, 2010

Funny Noises

So anyone who has ridden with me lately knows. My MTB has been making some loud clicking/pinging noises lately. As it turns out it was the pawls on the rear hub not releasing properly and slipping occasionaly. This was correctly diagnosed by the wonderful and friendly staff at the Bike Hub. So after figuring out how to take apart a press fit free Hub I cleaned and it up and relubed it with some new stuff. Hopefully that takes care of the problem. Had a nice weekend of riding. Saturday was out at the camp for some WEMS practice. Remember the race is only 5 monhts away! The sucky part about that is several groups of people came all the way from Minnesota thinking there was a race. Sunday was Hill Climbs out at scrays. Tried a new Route out. Old Martin to Sportsman, it took me about 6 minutes to climb. Dickinson road is still the best though. Sorry about the blurry photos my phone isn't good with close ups. Hopefully that solved the problem. See ya outside.

1 comment:

  1. WEMS Race is no longer 6 months, rather june 6th now. ENJOY! It was fun riding at the camp maybe we'll see ya in June.
