Friday, March 26, 2010

Week in Review

I ran into the Big Dog while unloading my ladder at Home Depot Thursday night. I had a small project there to take down and put back up 7 lights in their toilet display. This was a little bit different than what I usually do on the job but, was a nice change of pace. It was nice to get some money back from big orange. I must have spent 10k there over the last 8 years of home ownership. I did some lite spinning for ten minutes last night after work. Otherwise I have not touched my bikes since Sunday. Which is fine it was a slightly stressful, highly monotonous and, very tiring work week for me. The plan is to spin this morning, take a nap and test this afternoon. Only thing that might hold me back is a stiff neck. Plan is to ride Bairds Saturday. Noonish? Have to get my Bike back together. Many Thanks to The Bike Hub for their help in ordering parts for the 1x9 setup. Have to borrow shock pump and learn how to set up my bike. I noticed my rear shock was bttomed after riding Bairds last week.


  1. you need to BUY a shock pump, now that you OWN a full suspension bike. No more dickin' around...

  2. I thought you get a shock pump when you buy a full suspension bike. Hmmmm.
